Now, you can get a cash advance by submitting an online application. It never has been easier to get the cash you are in urgent need for. Within a minute's time, you can already be approved for a payday loan advance and the money will be in your bank account by the next business day. If you are facing a dire emergency, these types of loans are here to assist you in your time of need.
Cash Advance or Payday Loans
There are many terms associated with payday loans, such as check loan, post-dated loan, or cash advance. No matter what you call it, they are the same type of loan. They are short-term in nature and you can borrow the same amount of money, which is from $100 to $1,000, depending on your lender.
The purpose of payday loan advances is to assist during financial emergencies that may occur when you least expect it. Instead of paying fees on late payments or bounced checks, you now have the option to secure a cash advance against your next pay check. You will save money if you choose to get a loan as an alternative to paying all of the fees you may be charged if you don't pay your bills on time. When your next payday arrives or in thirty days, you can repay the loan. If you choose to extend the loan, additional fees will apply.
Simple Application Process
You can currently get a payday loan advance by simply applying online from your home or anywhere else that has internet access. When you choose an appropriate lender's website, just enter your personal contact information and history of employment. The only requirements are that you have include that you must be an adult and have had the same job for three months. Your application will be reviewed within five minutes, and you will receive a notice (probably through e-mail) if you have been approved for the amount you asked to borrow.
Get a Cash Advance Quick
On the application, you provide your checking account routing number. Once approved, the lender will automatically deposit your funds in your bank account by the next business day. That is very quick service!
Hassle-Free Repayment Plan
You can also repay your loan through their online service. You will usually get the option of choosing from the following repayment plans when your loan is due: 1.) You can elect to pay only the finance charges, 2.) You can pay the entire loan off, or 3.) You can pay only a portion of the loan. If you extend your loan, you will also have the option of changing your re-payment plan to suit your current needs; however, this is entitled to more fees added to your existing loan sum.
Convenient Customer Service
There are many methods of contact the lender's customer service department if an issue arises. Generally, you can call or e-mail the lender. However, now there are even more ways of getting in touch with your lender. Now, your lender will answer your pressing questions by fax or an instant messaging service. The websites will also include relevant information to help answer your questions, such as their interest rate charges, re-payment plans, and frequently asked questions/answers.

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